School and Summer Meals

Info About Summer Meals

During the summer, free healthy meals are available for kids and teens aged 1-18 in Oregon and nationwide. No registration is required; families can simply find a nearby location offering meals. These meals provide an opportunity for kids to socialize, stay active, and eat nutritious lunches while school is out. Community summer meal programs are open to all families, regardless of paperwork, income verification, or immigration status. In addition to meals, many programs offer activities to keep kids engaged and learning. To find meal locations and times, visit the Summer Meals Map or contact your local school district.

Breakfast and Lunch at School

Eating breakfast is crucial for students as it provides the necessary energy to kickstart their day. Barriers, such as time, not being hungry or wanting to socialize or play outside can prevent students from eating breakfast. A nutritious breakfast fuels the brain and body, improving concentration, memory, and mood, which are vital for optimal learning. Research shows that students who eat breakfast perform better academically, have fewer absences, and are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, breakfast provides essential nutrients such as calcium, fiber, and vitamins, which are important for growth and development. By making breakfast a priority, students can set themselves up for a successful day both in and out of the classroom.

School Milk FAQs

Did you know that school milk is specially formulated? Or that flavored milk offers all the same nutrients as unflavored milk? Find the facts about school milk and why it is an important part of kids daily nutrition.